
Pastors & Staff

John Caprine

Senior Pastor
Married to his best friend, Angela, on March 5, 1994
Blessed with 2 kids, Rachel who's married to Kurt and Josiah who's married to Emmy. (Since January 2018 been empty-nesters and loving it!) And 2 grandkids!

Completed Master of Divinity in May ’08 from Phoenix Seminary
Certified Biblical Counselor through CCEF

  • Born October 4, 1971 in Orange County, California.
  • Became a Christian at the age of 4. Grew up in So. Cal. And attended First Evangelical Free Church in Fullerton, Ca. It was Charles Swindoll’s church and where I was deeply impacted for life by the leaders and youth of the ministry there.
  • Joined the Marine Corps in summer of 1989.
  • Served in Desert Shield & Desert Storm.
  • I’ve traveled to more than 13 different countries.

I met Angela in our youth group at church but didn’t start dating until the end of my term in the Marines. Soon after we were married we moved to Auckland, New Zealand to take up a youth pastor position at Papatoetoe Baptist Church.
We served for 3 years there and had our daughter Rachel there as well.
It was also in New Zealand that I picked up the love of rugby.
Following our time in New Zealand we moved to Phoenix, Arizona and I took up an associate pastors position at New Life Community Church where I served for 8 years. And it was during that time that we had our son Josiah.
Then on October 31, 2007 we moved to Las Vegas, Nevada to take on the role of senior pastor with the amazing people of Summit Ridge Church. I am so proud of them and love them dearly.
I can’t wait to keep watching what God is doing with this church. We are here to stay.

Gettysburg history
Marine Corps/military

Paul Miller
Ed Welch
Charles Swindoll
Kevin DeYoung
David Powlison
Jerry Bridges
A.W. Tozer
John Piper
RC Sproul
Paul David Tripp

Marc Guité

Associate Pastor
Christine and I met each other in our young adults group at church just after she graduated from high school and were married in Burbank, California, on May 14, 1994. We have three adult children. Joseph is a graphic designer and Claire is a fashion designer who both live and work in L.A. and Jonathan attends school at UC Santa Cruz. Go Banana Slugs!! Marc’s father lives here in North Las Vegas and served in the U.S. Navy for 22 years.

Marc earned a bachelor’s degree in music from Cal State L.A. but then went on to study at Fuller Theological Seminary before entering ministry as a full-time pastor. More recently, he has continued studying at Western Seminary with an emphasis in ministry and leadership.

I was born to French-Canadian parents, but on a U.S. Navy base in Patuxent River, Maryland, in the summer of ‘67. Because of my dad’s military service, we also lived in Maine, eastern Canada and southern California. As a child, Roman Catholicism defined my worldview and French was spoken at home. As a freshman in college, I became deeply concerned about my sin and completely surrendered my life to Jesus through the ministry of the Evangelical Free Church in Burbank, CA. Over time, I developed a heart for music ministry and missions work and was eventually called into full-time ministry at the age of 35. I’ve been blessed to serve on short-term mission trips to 8 different countries and either assisted or directed the worship ministries at 3 different churches. My passion is to help wherever needed and in ways that point people to Jesus, to be available when called upon, and to lead the church toward Christ in holiness and sound Biblical teaching. My personality is stuck somewhere in the middle between introvert and extrovert. I can be very intense about reaching goals but will cry at the drop of a hat when praying or telling personal stories about how God has changed my life. Christine and I never expected to land in the cities and towns where the Lord has called us to, especially North Las Vegas. However, once we opened ourselves to the possibility (due in part to my parents’ age and declining health), our pathway to Summit Ridge Church became very clear, and we are truly grateful for being invited into this local church family.

Cycling, Swimming and Triathlon
Jazz and Classic Rock Music
Apologetics and Creation Science
Eating My Wife’s Cooking
 “America’s Team” Football
Big Wave Bodysurfing
Iced Tea (not coffee)
Dogs over cats

R.C. Sproul (The Holiness of God)
A.W. Tozer (The Knowledge of the Holy)
Emerson Eggerichs (Love and Respect)
Don Richardson (Eternity in Their Hearts)
Patrick Lencioni (The Five Dysfunctions of a Team)
Tim Keller (Every Good Endeavor)
John Piper (Brothers We Are Not Professionals)
Gary Tuck (Jesus Shall Reign)

Jeremy & Tiffany Cooper

Youth Pastor // Communications Director
We have been married since 2008 and are high school sweethearts and best friends. We have been doing life together over 20 years now. Our three children will be a manager, an engineer and a salesman. As different as they come and we love each of them to pieces.

I was raised in a Christian home, in AWANA and church. Darkness descended in middle and high school.  I started living for Jesus my first year of community college and jumped right into a local Bible college I heard advertised on the local Christian radio station. As a “tent maker” I’ve worked in the private sector for nearly 20 years, with 10 years in project management and software for an OEM in the test industry, traveling the US and South America with a screwdriver and a laptop.

I grew up in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California. I came to know the Lord at age 18 as a senior in high school. I had the blessing of marrying my best friend and high school sweetheart at age 22 and have served in various ministries over the last 15 years as a believer. We committed to use our lives for God however He saw fit after coming to know Him.  We were on youth staff at a church in Ventura County for 6 years and have had the opportunity to attend the weddings of high schoolers that we discipled. In 2013, we helped to launch a church in Ventura County and wore many ministerial hats in the process. Our family moved to Las Vegas in August 2019 for a job relocation for Jeremy. We love being part of the Summit family and I am privileged to be on staff with people who are committed to making much of Jesus!

Electric bass guitar, king of all instruments
Barbells and kettlebells, hiking
Programming, automation, electronics, working with my hands, welding
My cat and dog

Coffee, reading, cooking

Rend Collective
Book Hills Worship
Shane & Shane
Wolves at the Gate
August Burns Red

We have a whole book shelf of John Piper....
Ed Welch
David Powlison
Jerry Bridges
Paul Tripp
Brian Jacques
Scott & Heather Rider
Worship Ministry Leads

After dating for three years, we married on May 30, 1997 and are blessed with three amazing children: Ashley, Maggie, and Caleb.

Scott was born in New York. At the age of 5, his family moved to Canada when his dad answered the call to pastor a church in London, Ontario. His first year of college was at Moody Bible College, followed by the completion of his Bachelor’s degree in Colorado. Heather was born in Dallas, Texas and after living there for 9 years, her father’s job transferred the family to Georgia and then to Colorado, where she finished high school and college….and met Scott….at church.

We have been leading worship together since before we were married. We were blessed to serve in ministry alongside Scott’s active duty Air Force career for over 13 years. We’ve lived in 10 houses in five states and served with so many amazing people. Together, we have organized and led worship for church services, conferences, and special events, and have had the opportunity to do some teaching about worship along the way, specifically in the area of ministering to the military and incorporating contemporary worship in military chapels. Scott left active duty in 2010 to enter full-time ministry with North Valley Church. Although we don’t always know what the future holds, God always has a plan for our future. When North Valley closed its doors in 2016, God opened a door for Scott to begin working as a civilian with the Air Force. He retired from the Reserves in 2017 and continues to work in Las Vegas doing cool Air Force things as a security specialist. Heather has done a variety of things over the years. Most recently, she worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator at Mike O’Callaghan Military Medical Center.

Over the years, God has taught us so much about ministry, ourselves, and how to care for others through the good and the bad. Our passion is not in performing, but in leading people to God, His truth, and His presence. It is exciting to see God’s people live out their life of worship and engage with their creator through song! We are so very happy to be serving at SRC!

Spending time with family and friends
Worship planning and leading
Military families and events
Hiking and being outdoors
Relaxing as a family with a good movie

Hmmmm…. with three very active kids, we currently struggle with time to complete enough books to have a favorite.

Efrain Castillo

Pastor of Spanish Ministry
I met my beautiful wife serving the Lord and we continue serving until this day. We were happily married on July 20, 2017, in Southern California. We have two fur babies named Bella & Grace.

Born April 19, 1985, in Monterey Mexico, moved to Southern California at age 2. I was raised in Christian home, I met Christ at a very young age and began serving in ministry at the age of 12. I met my wife while we both served in church as youth leaders and as part of the worship team. I proposed to her in Paris France and got married on July 20, 2017. We moved to Las Vegas looking for a better opportunity and through God’s grace, he called us to minister to others. I am bilingual in Spanish and English, and I hope to learn a third language.

Travel (been to 11 countries!)
Food (all types!)

John C. Maxwell
C.S. Lewis
Dante Gebel

John Flint

Pastor of Summit Henderson
John married his best friend Heather on September 19th, 2009. They reside in Henderson, NV. John has two adult children, Bronson and Kelsey who reside in St. Louis. Together they rescued a cat and named her Jazmine. She is very attached to Heather and loves to go camping.

John studied Biblical Theology at Grace University and then received seminary education at Christian Leaders Institute through a partnership with Calvin Theological Seminary. He serves as a Chaplain for the Henderson Fire Department, the Law Enforcement Division of the National Park Service, the City of Henderson and has supported the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. John’s wife Heather is a Board-Certified Mental Health Coach through the American Association of Christian Counselors. She also studied at Calvin University and holds additional training in Biblical Counseling and Chaplaincy with an emphasis on crisis and Trauma. Like John, as a prior first responder, Heather serves as a Chaplain for the Henderson Fire Department, the Law Enforcement Division of the National Park Service, the City of Henderson and has supported the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department. John and Heather hold additional certifications in the areas of crisis, trauma and suicide intervention.

  • Born and raised just outside of Detroit Michigan.
  • Entered into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ at the age of 17.
  • Served in the U.S. Coast Guard in Law Enforcement and Search and Rescue.
  • John and Heather relocated to Nevada from Michigan in 2018 and continue to be forever grateful for the goodness of God through their journeys in life together serving others along the way.

Camping and hiking
Family, friends, authentic relationships
Sharing the love of Christ with others
Traveling and exploring new places

Charles Swindoll
Charles Stanley
N.T. Wright
A.W. Tozer
John Piper
R.C. Sproul

Ministry Leaders

Rick Coblentz


Danica Henry

Children's Ministry Director

John & Kristina Schlothauer


Mike Weyand


Summit Kids Leadership

Lindsay Thornhill

Wobblers Classroom Lead

Katie Harmeyer

Climbers Classroom Lead

Lisa Hudspeth

Trailblazers Classroom Lead

Jenny Hatchett

Explorers Classroom Lead

Susan Muehleisen

Service Coordinator

Small Group Coaches

Terry Sonnenburg

Tricia Coblentz

Dave Schlothauer

Mike Weyand