Our Neighbors & Nations
"Go into the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation." Mark 16:15
As we follow God's lead in our church, here is how we live out His commands
Missions Values
Our global mission is to make much of Jesus by developing disciple-making disciples of our neighbors and the nations, propelling the Gospel to lost and forgotten peoples.
Gospel-Centered Compassion:
We will tirelessly make much of Christ by proclaiming the hope of the Gospel to our Neighbors and Nations.
God-sized Faith:
Rooted in the Word and soaked in expectant prayer, we will take extraordinary and uncomfortable actions in obedience to God’s purpose for SRC that can only be attributed to Him and His power.
Strategic Focus:
Through proactive and consistent focus, we will develop, serve, and come alongside missionaries and organizations to build long-term relationships that increasingly propel the Gospel.
Clear and Effective Communication:
Celebrating what God has done, we will continually communicate our missions vision and direction, inspiring SRC to engage in His purposes
for our church.
Church-wide Engagement:
We will equip SRC to pray, send, and go to reach our Neighbors and
Nations. We will develop clear opportunities to engage our church to
declare the Gospel.
Our global mission is to make much of Jesus by developing disciple-making disciples of our neighbors and the nations, propelling the Gospel to lost and forgotten peoples.
Gospel-Centered Compassion:
We will tirelessly make much of Christ by proclaiming the hope of the Gospel to our Neighbors and Nations.
God-sized Faith:
Rooted in the Word and soaked in expectant prayer, we will take extraordinary and uncomfortable actions in obedience to God’s purpose for SRC that can only be attributed to Him and His power.
Strategic Focus:
Through proactive and consistent focus, we will develop, serve, and come alongside missionaries and organizations to build long-term relationships that increasingly propel the Gospel.
Clear and Effective Communication:
Celebrating what God has done, we will continually communicate our missions vision and direction, inspiring SRC to engage in His purposes
for our church.
Church-wide Engagement:
We will equip SRC to pray, send, and go to reach our Neighbors and
Nations. We will develop clear opportunities to engage our church to
declare the Gospel.
Where we serve as a church
Along with equipping our church community to live out the gospel in their individual places God has placed them, Summit Ridge is involved with the following organizations:

Straight Ahead Ministries
Straight Ahead Ministries exists to see Jesus Christ transform the lives of juvenile offenders. Over 1 million youth are arrested every year in the US, with 500,000 sent to one of nearly 1,200 detention centers across the country. On any day 57,000 youth are serving a sentence in a facility - the juvenile justice equivalent of jail. Family relationships, community connections, education and employment are all interrupted and negatively impacted. We believe that this time of crisis can become the first step towards a transformed life.
We are currently hosting bible studies at Spring Mountain Youth Camp (the boys facility) and as well as the girl's unit at the Juvenile Detention Center.
We are currently hosting bible studies at Spring Mountain Youth Camp (the boys facility) and as well as the girl's unit at the Juvenile Detention Center.

Not Forgotten
Not Forgotten is an organization that is compelled by the love of Christ to provide for the physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual needs of impoverished, abandoned, and oppressed people of the world so that they may find salvation through Jesus Christ, improve their quality of life, and be empowered to affect change in their communities.
Every other summer, we plan a trip to Peru to serve alongside this ministry.
Every other summer, we plan a trip to Peru to serve alongside this ministry.

Olive Crest
Olive Crest is dedicated to preventing child abuse by strengthening, equipping, and restoring children and families in crisis…“One Life at a Time.”
With over 400,000 children in the welfare system, the need for communities, churches, and individuals to provide safe, loving homes is the solution. So many precious kids’ lives are hanging in the balance.
We support host families within our own congregation as they take in children, providing a safe place during familial turmoil.
With over 400,000 children in the welfare system, the need for communities, churches, and individuals to provide safe, loving homes is the solution. So many precious kids’ lives are hanging in the balance.
We support host families within our own congregation as they take in children, providing a safe place during familial turmoil.

No one should have to learn another language to understand God's Word. And yet millions of people are still waiting for a single word of the Bible's life-transforming power. Let's help churches and communities around the world get Scripture in their language ... until all the nations worship!
Our goal is to minister to unreached People Group’s with Bible Translation through our partnership with David & Tammy Price.
Our goal is to minister to unreached People Group’s with Bible Translation through our partnership with David & Tammy Price.

Pioneers partners with local churches to make disciples and initiate church-planting movements among unreached peoples. The unreached are cultural and ethnic groups without a self-sustaining witness to the gospel in their own cultures.
Pioneers works in partnership with the local church. Each missionary is commissioned by a sending church. The sacrificial gifts of friends, family, and churches provide financial support. This makes it possible for cross-cultural missionaries to work alongside local believers with a heart to see disciples making disciples, worldwide.
We currently support a family located in the middle east.
Pioneers works in partnership with the local church. Each missionary is commissioned by a sending church. The sacrificial gifts of friends, family, and churches provide financial support. This makes it possible for cross-cultural missionaries to work alongside local believers with a heart to see disciples making disciples, worldwide.
We currently support a family located in the middle east.

Our Military Community
One of our missional focuses is serving our local military community. We make it our aim to equip and disciple those who are stationed here in Las Vegas for however long the Lord has them here.
We love to come along families and individuals through deployments, TDYs and prayerfully sending them off when they PCS!
We love to come along families and individuals through deployments, TDYs and prayerfully sending them off when they PCS!

Military Believer
We are a partner with MilitaryBeliever.com to aid in helping our military members find and get planted and get involved in ministry at military friendly churches.