Be a Part of God’s Work This Summer in Peru
on April 1st, 2023
If you have been a part of Summit the last little while you have likely heard a number of things from us about our partner ministry Not Forgotten and the ministry happening in Iquitos, Peru. Here is another example of where God is at work! It has been 4 years since we have been able to get back to Iquitos and minister alongside those serving there. I am excited to say that it looks like God is ans...  Read More
A Hard Place Where God Is At Work
on March 18th, 2023
God is at work.That is very true for us, but that doesn’t mean that it is easy. God is at work, but many times where He works there is hard and difficult things we need to look at and go through. Nevertheless, He is at work and that is good. One particular place that is hard and difficult for us as a church right now is with our pastoral staff. Me, the elders, and Jeremy Martin have agreed that Je...  Read More
Three Ways God is at Work in Our Church!
on March 4th, 2023
Why don’t we pray more in our lives? I think the root is because we don’t believe it really helps.  That said, I think this is slowly changing all across our church as we grow as a praying church. We are learning to share more of our lives and ministry with the Lord and He is at work! Let me share with you three ways God is stirring in us as a church: One, sharing in our neediness for prayer:I saw...  Read More
The Invocation of Invitation
on February 18th, 2023
How many times has an invitation failed to reach you? Whether it is a birthday celebration, a dinner, a Superbowl party or any number of meaningful or mundane events that we collectively plan, there have been numerous times when I have been left out. Times when others got an invitation but mine never showed up. Can you relate? It’s disappointing and can be discouraging.Invitations are meaningful w...  Read More
All Things Children’s Ministry That God Is Leading Us In
on February 4th, 2023
We are in the process of making some exciting changes in our Children’s Ministry that I wanted to share with you. Late last year Pastor Jeremy Martin and I pulled away for a few days to talk through ministry and ways to adjust to some of the growth we have had in the past year. A main focus was our Children’s Ministry. We were seeing that we needed to expand the leadership to be able to better bal...  Read More
Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones to Love Others
on January 21st, 2023
One of the ways I spend my mornings is in growing my relationship with the Lord. I am currently reading through the Bible over the year and I also am reading in a short daily devotional by David Powlison called, “Take Heart: Daily Devotions to Deepen Your Faith”. Angela and I, and a few others I am close to, are reading this and being encouraged in our walk with Jesus. If you too would like some e...  Read More