The weary world rejoices

The Christmas season is upon us. As I write, I have my Christmas playlist going. The church is decorated, our home is all setup… it’s feeling more and more like the season for me. 
With the Christmas celebrations come various ways for us to engage – little ways to remember where our hope as Christ-followers lies. For instance, we are participating again in the Living Nativity at the Vegas Speedway. This is so much fun, and truly impactful! I hope you will consider doing this (we still need some 15 people for this!). There is also ways to give to others where the Lord has lead us as a church in both Straight Ahead ministry and in Peru with Not Forgotten. You can see all the details here: Summit Ridge Church Christmas 2021. 
Note the schedule too for the Christmas season… Our Christmas service is on Sunday the 19th. This year we will be releasing a devotional video (and family devotion) for you and your family to watch on Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day). Then, we will not be having services on the 26th in order to give the volunteers and families the day off to be with their families. But, we will be back in full with our annual Celebration Service on January 2nd - at both services 8:45 & 10:30 AM - where we hear testimonies of God’s grace to us and sing our hearts out in gratitude to God! 
Below is a prayer that I love for the season. It comes from a prayer book called, “Every Moment Holy, vol. 1”. It is very practical! 
Pray with me:
Prayer for the Christmas Season: 
"As we decorate and celebrate, we do so to mark the memory of your redemptive moment into our broken world, O God. 
Our glittering ornaments and Christmas trees, our festive carols, our sumptuous feasts - 
By these small tokens we affirm that something amazing has happened in time and space - that God, on a particular night, in a particular place, so many years ago, was born to us, an infant King, our Prince of Peace. 
Our wreaths and ribbons and colored lights, our giving of gifts, our parties with friends - these have never been ends in themselves. 
They are but small ways in which we repeat that sounding joy first proclaimed by angels in the skies near Bethlehem.”
I love worshipping with you church. I hope to see you Sunday.
In His Grip,
Pastor John

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