You can't, but He can.

1 Peter 5:6-7, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on Him, because He cares about you.” In two weeks I am planning to be in Yosemite, halfway through a week-long backpack trip climbing one mountain after another (projecting some 14,000+ feet of climbing). I am planning on experiencing some wonderful moments and also some pretty miserable moments, but we shall see.

This ties in with what I have been thinking about since we looked at 1 Peter 5:7 last week. We all have various mountains we are climbing with loads that are often heavy and exhausting. For many, the mountain in front of you seems too high – impossible in fact to climb. You may have financial fears of bills piling far beyond your means. A marriage that is at it’s lowest and seems impossible. Grief so deep it drowns you. Depression so dark you can’t see in front of you. The list can go on and on, can’t it?

Contrary to our societies efforts to tell us that “you can do it!”, you know deep down that you can’t. It’s all too much. I know there is no shortage of books and blogs and podcasts available today that say you can, but you can’t. And it is by God’s design. Hear me here: You can’t, but He can!

You were not intended to ever carry your loads by yourself. You weren’t designed to bear such loads on your own. They – every single one of them – are to be cast to the good Lord. That doesn’t mean that everything will go as you plan, or that all life will now be cheery. But the Lord does care – He knows what you need (Luke 12:24-34). He cares for you as His very Word says. Oh my friends, trust Him. Throw it all at His feet and watch how He will carry you through.
If you missed the video last week at the end of the service, here it is: Casting My Cares (My Portion). I tear up every time.

Please pray for me to more quickly stop trying on my own to carry the load and instead throw myself and burdens onto the Lord! I'll pray this for you too.

He loves our calling out to Him and casting our cares upon Him. And I love watching Him work.

In His Grip, Pastor John

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